新任理事——dōTERRA 多特瑞公司

time: 2024-10-22      来源:重庆市外商投资企业协会


美国 dōTERRA 公司成立于 2008 年,总部位于美国犹他州,是全球最大的芳香护理和精油企业之一,产品包括精油和居家生活产品。目前,多特瑞的业务已遍布全球 140 多个国家和地区。2014 年多特瑞进入中国,目前是一家线上销售,线下体验,专营多特瑞品牌商品的企业。经过近 10 年的发展,多特瑞中国已设立了 11 家线下精油生活馆。2018 年多特瑞中国被上海市政府认定为跨国公司地区总部。多特瑞美国总公司连续参加了六届中国国际进口博览会。

dōTERRA 的精油产品一共 263 种,原料来自于全球 47 个国家,超过 50%的精油原料采集于发展中及不发达的国家,目前有来自中国 8 个省 20 种中国精油原料已出口到全球。2022 年底,多特瑞在上海市静安区设立了美国本土以外唯一的研发中心。

来华 10 年多来,多特瑞中国分别与中国妇女发展基金会以及上海市慈善基金会合作,成立并启动“多特瑞携手关爱基金”,截至 2024 年 6 月累计捐款总额超 11000 万元人民币(含承诺)。

Founded in 2008, dōTERRA International, LLC is one of the world largest aromatherapy and essential oil companies with its headquarters in Utah, United States. Its main products include essential oil and other household products. So far, dōTERRA has established its business in over 140 countries. dōTERRA China was officially registered in Shanghai in May, 2014. It’s now a new retailing company that combines offline experience for customers and online sales. After ten years of development, dōTERRA China has established 11 Essential Oil life centers. In the year of 2018, dōTERRA (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd. has been recognized by Shanghai Municipal Government as regional headquarters. dōTERRA USA has participated in six successive CIIE.
There are 263 kinds of essential oil products, with raw materials from 47 countries all over the world, more than 50% of which are collected from developing and underdeveloped countries. At present, 20 Chinese essential oil materials from 8 provinces of China have been exported to the world. On November 18, 2022, the first overseas R&D center was officially opened in Shanghai.
dōTERRA has worked with China Women''''s Development Foundation and Shanghai Charity Foundation to establish the “dōTERRA Helping Hands Fund”, So far the total donation (including committed) is over 110 million RMB.

