
time: 2020-08-30      来源:重庆市外商投资企业协会


With faculty and administrators who care deeply about creating a community of learners, leaders, and global citizens, KLIS is paving the way for an innovative new education.

Academic Principal

Dr. Mary Elizabeth Pearce


Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Pearce joins KLIS with international educational experience in Nepal, Chile, Namibia, and most recently United Arab Emirates. 

In these countries, she worked on national development projects including English language development, technology use for students and staff, and preparing students with 21stcentury skills. 

Dr. Pearce received her Bachelor of Science from Boston University, and spent time working with Americorps and Citizen Schools in the United States. During this time, she was selected as a National Teaching Fellow and received her Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at Lesley University as part of the fellowship. As a Program Director in non-profit management, she had the opportunity to work with various community partners to offer educational programming for middle and high school students.

Her doctorate studies at Northeastern University focused on supporting teachers’ professional development to strengthen instruction leading to academic achievement for students. 

She is a licensed administrator for Elementary, Middle and High School. Personally, Dr. Pearce is very interested in learning about new cultures, foods, languages and traditions. She has traveled to 68 countries on 4 continents and hopes to visit many more places in the future!


Mary-Elizabeth Pearce博士加入KLIS时已拥有丰富的国际教育经验,曾工作于尼泊尔、智利、纳米比亚以及阿联酋等国家。

Mary-Elizabeth Pearce博士加入KLIS时已拥有丰富的国际教育经验,曾工作于尼泊尔、智利、纳米比亚以及阿联酋等国家。在这些国家当中,她参与了国家开发项目,包括英语语言开发,学生和员工的科技应用,以及教会学生21世纪技能。Pearce博士自波士顿大学获得理学学士学位,并在美国的AmeriCorps和Citizen Schools工作。在此期间,她被选为National Teaching Fellow并在莱斯利大学获得了教育学硕士学位。作为非盈利管理的项目总监,她与各种各样的伙伴合作,为初中和高中的学生提供教育。


PreK Teacher

Antonia Koperdanova


Best Teacher in 2009, Brainy SK, Slovakia.

Best Teacher in 2014, ChildFirst Kindergarten, China.

Best Teacher in 2016, ChildFirst Shanhu Kindergarten, China.

After graduating from college as a Pre-K teacher, Antonia studied at Vienna University, Lund University and Comenius University where she earned her Master’s degrees in Education and Translation. She worked as an Educational Project Manager where she was responsible for creating, planning, and supervising courses in innovating teaching methodology. Antonia had over 13-year teaching experiences and taught 7 years in international schools in China, providing beginner and intermediate lessons for 3-6-year-old students.

Antonia has always loved to be around children. She started teaching during high school and hasn’t stopped since. Working with children of a very young age taught Antonia to be patient, open minded, warm hearted, and accepting. In her free time, Antonia enjoys reading, going to the movies, exercising, experimenting with cooking and baking, discovering new countries and cultures, and meeting new people.


2009年获得斯洛伐克Brainy SK最佳老师





Y1 Teacher

Carolina Pinasco


Carolina has a vast experience working with children and her teaching methods are mainly project based and hands on, creating a Student-Centered Classroom. 

Carolina joins KLIS after working in Shanghai for the past 6 years. She has got her teaching license in the District of Columbia, United States as a Teacher from K to 3 as well as an English as a Second Language Teacher. She has worked for the past 4 years in an International School in Shanghai teaching PYP program. 

She loves education as much as she loves children. She decided to challenge herself and tried a new school in Chongqing. As for her personal hobbies Carolina loves to do sports, eats healthy food and travel. She has a special care for the environment and she communicate this to students teaching them how to protect the limited resources of Earth. 



Carolina加入KLIS之前曾在上海工作6年。她获得了美国哥伦比亚特区的教师资格证、K – 3年级教师资格证、为母语非英语的人教授英语的教师资格证。她曾在上海的一所国际学校从事了4年的PYP(IB课程小学阶段)教学。


Y2 Teacher

Jessica Anderson


Jessica has a passion for teaching young children and enjoys seeing their growth throughout the year. With her love for education, children, and traveling Jessica is happy to be at KLIS this year. 

Jessica Anderson joins KLIS from the USA, where after graduating from Northeastern State University with a degree in Early Childhood Education, Jessica spent 5 years teaching Kindergarten in Tulsa, Oklahoma. During that time Jessica continued her education earning her M.Ed. in Administration and Curriculum Development from University of Oklahoma, as well as spending 3 years as a Yale National Fellow completing a program in curriculum writing. 



Jessica Anderson来自美国,获得美国东北州立大学幼儿教育学位,在俄克拉何马州塔尔萨(Tulsa) 的一所幼儿园执教5年。在此期间,Jessica接受教育深造,获得了俄克拉荷马大学行政管理和课程开发的教育学硕士学位,并在耶鲁国家研究院成功完成一个历时三年的写作课程项目。

Y3 Teacher

Danielle Jones


Danielle has always enjoyed working with children and have done so across different settings. 

Danielle Jones joins KLIS from the USA, where she earned a B.A. in Psychology and a MA in Childhood Education from Adelphi University in Garden City, NY. Danielle’s work experience spans the New York and Alexandria, Virginia school systems, where she served as a Special Education and General Education Teacher for the past 5 years.

Her work experience includes one-on-one tutoring, working with special needs students, literacy after school, summer creative writing classes, and classroom teaching. Danielle feels it is an honor to be a teacher at KLIS and looks forward to more experiences as continusly being a part of the KLIS community.





Y4 Teacher

 Oscar Austin Saenz


Oscar feels one of the best rewards of teaching is when the “light bulb” turns on and the student’s understanding has been reached.   He is excited to be a part of the KLIS community and to work hard for his and other students.

Mr. Oscar has been a full-time teacher for 11 years and a subbing teacher for 4 years. he also had 3-year teaching experiences of middle school IB program.

He was born and raised in the state of Texas, USA and has lived in different parts of it, San Antonio being the latest city.  He attended the University of Houston, in Houston where he received his college degree in Management Information Systems in Business.  After volunteering at Sunday School for his local church, he realized the joy of working with children and feeling that he could contribute, he began the process of being certified in the state of Texas.  After passing all tests on the first attempts, Mr. Saenz became certified by the Texas State Board of Education as a Generalist for grades 4th through 8th in 2003.  This means he is Highly Qualified to teach any subject for those grades.   Because of his love of Math, he also took and passed the Math Certification Test for Grades 4th – 8th in 2016.  He has numerous training certificates and received certification in the IB Middle Years Program.

A couple of years ago he realized the dream of working overseas could be a possibility and he accomplish this goal this year. 

Mr. Austin, as his students refer to him, has always loved the interaction between teacher and student as he builds the trust and relationships that will contribute to student growth. 


Mr. Oscar觉得教学最好的回报就是学生能够一点即懂,举一反三。他很高兴成为KLIS的一员,为学生的成长而努力。

Mr. Oscar具有11年全职教学经验和4年兼职教学经验,其中有3年中学IB课程教学经验。他出生于美国德克萨斯州,并在该州的不同地区生活过,圣安东尼奥是他最近生活过的城市。他就读于休斯顿大学,并获得了商业管理信息系统的学士学位。Mr. Oscar在当地教会的学校做过一段时间志愿者后,他感受到和孩子们在一起的乐趣,并觉得自己可以为教育事业做出贡献。

Mr. Oscar于2003年通过了德克萨斯州教育委员会 (Texas State Board of Education) 的认证,成为四年级至八年级的全科教师。由于他个人对数学的热爱,他还参加了2016年4 - 8年级的数学教师认证考试。此外,他还获得了IB课程授课证书。几年前,他突然发现自己能够去海外实现全球教育的梦想,他来到了KLIS。

正如Mr. Oscar的学生所描述的那样,他一直崇尚互动式教学,与学生建立了信任和良好的关系,这将有助于他对学生的教学和教育。

Y5 Teacher

Felecia King


Felecia believes that excellence in education for every student is a must in order for our world to be impacted globally for the better. Her favorite quote is, “intelligence + character = the goal of true education” Martin Luther King.

Felecia joins KLIS from the USA with 13 years teaching experience,she was selected by state level leaders to receive the Governor’s SHINE award. She earned her Master degree in Educational Leadership. In addition to her teaching experience, Felecia has served extensively in leadership.  She has created and implemented professional development trainings for both school sites and districts to improve teacher practices and student performance. 

Felecia has also served as a peer coach, new teacher liaison, and served on multiple committees dedicated to the improvement of education at the local, district, and state levels. She has been selected by her peers for the Teacher of the Year and the Diversity Educator of the Year awards. 


Felecia最喜欢的一句话是:“智慧+品格=真正教育的目标“ 。她认为,为了使我们的世界更好地实现全球化发展,每个学生必须在教育上取得优异成绩。

Felecia King来自美国,获得了教育领导力的硕士学位,拥有13年的教学经验,曾被州级领导推选为州长闪亮奖的候选人。除了丰富的教学经验外,Felecia在领导力培养方面也发挥了重要的作用。她为所在学校和地区建立和实施专业发展培训,以改善教师教学实践和学生表现。


Y6 Teacher

Alexander Ross


Alexander can’t be thankful enough to have the opportunity to continue to work with students on the other side of the hemisphere, teach them English, Social Science, History, Science, etc., and inspire their curiosities of these subjects.

Mr. Ross came from St. Louis, Missouri, graduated from University of Missouri St. Louis and hold a Bachelor degree of Science in Education, Elementary/Middle School Education. He had teaching experiences over 8 years, including a MAP tutor experience at Northview Elementary, Jennings school District, in the US.

He is an everyday person who enjoys what the world has to offer and always intrigued by varying societies; fascinated by the complex history; and amazed by the planet’s geography. These interests attracted him to become a middle school social science teacher while in the U.S. Now he is the 6th year grade teacher at KLIS. 


Mr. Ross目前在KLIS担任6年级的全科老师,他非常感恩能有机会能与地球另一面的学生一起学习,将他喜欢的文化、历史、地理、科学知识传递给他的学生们。

Alexander Ross来自美国,毕业于美国密苏里大学圣路易斯分校,获中小学教育本科学历。他曾在美国詹宁斯学区担任MAP辅导老师,并且拥有超过8年的教学经验。


Social Study

English Teacher

Caleb Anderson


Caleb has 4 years of teaching experiences, both in the US and China. He enjoys to work with the age group of middle school and high school, because he believes that their life will spark from these ages, not just about their development on education, but also development of becoming an adult.

Caleb Anderson joins KLIS from the USA, where he earned his B.A. in English Education from Oklahoma Wesleyan University. Also, he holds a certificate of teaching English for 5th-12th & teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) for K-12. Prior to working for KLIS, Caleb lived and worked in Wuhan, China. While living in Wuhan, Caleb first worked for E.F. (English First) and later for an international school in Wuhan. 

As the English and Social Science teacher at KLIS, he can teach students about other cultures, places, and history, as well as English and literatures. Also, he would like to encourage students to reflect on themselves and help them to get ready to move on to the next step. 

Caleb has a passion for education and has shared that passion wherever he goes. Caleb’s work experience includes one-to-one tutoring, English language students, traditional classroom students, and Co-teaching students. In his free time, Caleb likes to go hiking, reading, and playing guitar. Caleb love traveling, eating new food, meeting new people, and experiencing new cultures, and he appreciates this opportunity to teach at such a diversity and unique environment at KLIS.


Mr. Caleb拥有4年在美国和中国的教学经验。他享受初中和高中学生的教育,因为他认为这个年龄段是他们人生的黄金阶段,不仅仅是学习上的最佳时期,同时也是他们从青少年成长为成人的重要转折点。

Mr. Caleb来自美国,他获得了俄克拉何马卫斯理大学的英语教育学士学位。同时,他也具有俄克拉荷马州立大学5 -12年级英语教学认证和英语作为第二语言(ESL) K-12教学认证。在加入KLIS之前,Mr. Caleb曾在中国武汉E.F. (English first) 的国际中学任教。


Mr. Caleb对教育充满热情,无论他走到哪里,他都能分享这种热情。Mr. Caleb的工作经历包括一对一的辅导、英语教学、传统的课堂教学和联合教学工作。在他的空闲时间,Mr. Caleb喜欢徒步、阅读、弹吉他、旅游、品尝美食、结交新朋友、感受不同的文化。他感谢KLIS提供给他这个机会,让他能够在这个多元化的学校担任老师。

Math Teacher

Keisha Russell


Ms. Keisha is a team player who believes in motivating kids and promoting hard work and excellence amongst her students. 

Keisha Russell joined KLIS from Kingston Jamaica, where she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Economics and a Post graduate diploma in Mathematics Education (up to grade 13) from the University of the West Indies Mona Campus in Jamaica. Keisha’s work experience spans from working at the Convent of Mercy Academy “Alpha” an all – girl high school in Kingston Jamaica.  She actually studied at this high school for seven years in Jamaica after which she matriculated to the University of the West Indies. She decided to give back to her school by means of working there for the past four years. 

At the Convent of Mercy Academy “Alpha” Keisha or Miss Russell as she is commonly referred to as, teaches students from grades 7 through to grades 12 Mathematics. That is she teaches middle school and high school Mathematics to students of varying abilities. Keisha always enjoyed working with students as when she was in college she was a teacher’s assistant to elementary school kids and often offer free Mathematics class to the students in her community back in Jamaica. Her teaching experience spans from one-on-one tutoring to large group classroom settings. 

She enjoys sporting activities, loves playing and listening to music, movies, travelling, meeting new people, experiencing different cultures and going shopping.  

Keisha is excited to join KLIS and is looking forward to learning new and innovative ways to improve her teaching skills while imparting her skills, ideas and talents upon the students and staff through communications within the teaching and learning environment.  


Ms. Keisha采用激励的教学理念,鼓励学生努力学习,她相信努力一定能够成功。

Keisha Russell来自牙买加金斯顿,是牙买加西印度大学蒙娜分校数学和经济学的研究生和最高至13年级的数学教育学研究生。在去西印度大学蒙娜分校深造之前,Ms. Keisha曾在牙买加金斯顿的“Alpha”女子学校学习了7年,研究生毕业之后,她回到母校任教4年。

在the Convent of Mercy Academy “Alpha”女子高中任教期间,Ms. Keisha为7年级到12年级的学生制定初中和高中的数学课程。

Ms. Keisha很享受与学生们在一起的时间。她在大学期间曾经担任小学的助教,也为牙买加社区的学生提供免费的数学课。她的教学经历从一对一辅导到大型小组课堂教学。

Ms. Keisha喜欢体育活动、听音乐、电影、旅游、认识新朋友,体验不同的文化。她很高兴加入KLIS,期待分享与交流教学方法,将她的技能、想法和才能传授给学生和老师,同时也能提高她的教学技能。

Science Teacher

Drew Clippard 


Mr. Drew feels that an international education is vital to this generation of young people if they are to be successful and make a positive impact in the world. 

Drew Clippard joined KLIS in the fall of 2018. He received his B.S. in Biology from the University of Tennessee and his M.Ed. in Science Education from Western Washington University.  Prior to coming to China, Drew had spent 10 years teaching in foreign countries including Japan, Saudi Arabia, Nepal.  He spent two years teaching at a private school in Boise Idaho and at Boise State University, also located in Boise Idaho. 

Drew began his career as a researcher, working for various universities and government organizations in the U.S.  He decided to become a teacher after realizing how important it was for young people to develop the ability to think critically, analyze data, and evaluate information.  It is these skills that he strives to instill in his students, both at home and abroad.  


Mr. Drew认为,国际教育对于这一代年轻人来说是至关重要的,培养他们的能力能够让他们成为合格的世界公民,并且对全球发展产生积极的影响。

Mr. Drew Clippard获得了美国田纳西大学的生物学学士学位和西华盛顿大学的科学教育硕士学位。在来中国之前,Mr. Drew曾在日本、沙特阿拉伯、尼泊尔等国家任教10年,在爱达荷州博伊西的一所私立学校和爱达荷州博伊西州立大学任教2年。

Mr. Drew曾在美国多所大学和政府机构担任科研工作。在他多年的研究生涯中,他意识到培养年轻人批判性思考、分析数据和信息评估的能力的重要性,并决定成为一名教师。他努力将多种科学探索技能传授给世界各地的学生。


As a not-for-profit school serving students in Preschool-Year 13, the mission of the KL International School of Chongqing Bashu is to develop well-educated and internationally-minded citizens who can adapt to a changing world.

KLIS was selected in the “13th Five-Year Plan” as a key international project, playing a vital role in the opening-up of Chongqing’s education development.  

To learn more about our American education model and our warm and inclusive community, please visit www.klis-cq.com, e-mail us at chongqing@klschool.org, or call us at 67721777.

重庆市诺林巴蜀外籍人员子女学校 (KL International School of Chongqing Bashu - KLIS),是重庆市首个也是唯一一所受到重庆市教委审批通过的美式教育外籍人员子女学校。2016年,KLIS作为城市国际化重点项目被写入《重庆市内陆开放高地建设“十三五”规划》并在解读中成为教育领域开放的重点部分。



Phone: 023-67721777

Email: chongqing@klschool.org

Address: 6 Xinnan Road, Yubei, Chongqing 401147

Website: www.klis-cq.com